World War II begins

At the outbreak of WW2, two students from the class of 1942, Alva Jefferson and Stuart Bell, left their classes and enlisted, Jefferson in the marines and Bell in the Army. Jefferson, who received a presidential citation and four stars, served as a marine in the Pacific.
Amid complaints by the armed services that the youth of America were “soft”, U-High students began having gym classes 3 days a week with a greater focus on calisthenics, tumbling, track and obstacle courses.

The conflict hits home
“Although there were all kinds of paper drives, collection of rubber, war bond drives, etc., it didn’t quite strike home until we saw our “Joe’s” (including those pictured below) march off to war, leaving school before graduation in order to fight for our country.” -The Clarion, 1945

School continues…

War bulletin urges English teachers to promote savings
The National Council of English Teachers urges English classes to promote a greater understanding of the War Finance Program. Specific lesson questions include “What can we do to give more help on the home front?”, “Why should we buy War Stamps and Bonds?”, and “What are we fighting for?”.
Serving aboard an aircraft carrier

Robert Erdman, ’32, was a dental officer on the aircraft carrier Atlanta in November, 1942, when it was attacked by Japanese ships (the ship sunk the next day). Described as “stately as a deer with antlers” in the Clarion, Erdman had been an active U-High student, participating in Rostrum, Cramatic Club and the Boys Glee Club among others.

John Blum, Class of ’37, was killed when his ship, a minesweeper, was destroyed in January, 1945. Blum had been very involved at U-High, participating in Rostrum, Apportionment Board, Glee Club, Student Council, the Clarion and more.
At least 21 former U-High students died in the war:
- John Blum
- James Finley
- Robert Hildebrandt
- Alfred Gierman
- Eugene Millard
- Donald Ward
- William Reed Yates
- Robert Turner
- Harold Adamson
- Eugene Blake
- Charles Coffin
- Thomas Dole
- Frank Floege
- Raymond Doran
- John Fultz
- William George Mercer
- Edwin Sipowsky
- Earl Spiker
- Harold Thompson
- Warren Warmoth
- Allen Parlor
John Wroan attends U-High
Wroan, who’s construction company would build the current U-High building in the 1960’s, joined approximately 350 other students in attendance. Lockers were in the basement of Old Main, classes were in various buildings on campus, football practice was in the “cabbage patch” (behind where Thomas Metcalf is now), and games were at McCormick Field (where the South University Street Parking Garage is located).
Future Pilots design, build and operate link trainer

In 1943, as part of a freshman shop course, Professor W. W. Dragoo had students design, create and build a Link trainer, the type used to train pilots in the army and navy service camps. The trainer is equipped with controls that make it maneuverable on very finely balanced pivots. The trainer includes a radio with a 25 foot range.
David Brazelton, at the controls above, described the experience once the hood was closed. “After being twirled around, I lost all sense of direction,” he said. “Then I had difficulty finding the proper wave length on the radio.”

Teacher Thomas Barger retires after 30 years
Barger was a beloved instructor of physics and chemistry; in 1929, the first volume of the Clarion was dedicated to him. Barger also coached baseball. The Thomas M. Barger Family Endowed Scholarship Award, given annually to U-High students, was set up in his honor.
Vocational civics course starts, designed to help teens choose careers

Nursing is the first choice of most girls, followed by stenographic work, commercial art and journalism. For boys, teaching and coaching are the most popular, followed by engineering, machinists and farming.
Students are provided current occupation descriptions, then tested to help them analyze their interests and abilities.
Teacher Ella Leppert thought more students would be interested in the “glamorous” professions such as air stewardess or pilot, but few students have shown interest in those careers.

U-High begins using recordings

Dictaphones are brought into the classroom to teach foreign languages.
“Pioneers” becomes school nickname
Up to this point in time the football team was simply referred to as the “O’Connor Men” or “The Green and Gold”. The name “Pioneers” was suggested by student Irving Tick ’46, and accepted by the student body by a vote of 4-1.

How it was…
- US population: 141,389,000
- 3-Bedroom Home: $5600
- Average income: $2000
- Price of a New Ford: $846
- Gasoline gallon: $.21

“The festivities started at noon with a swell pep session in the boy’s gym in Metcalf. At 2:30, everyone rushed out of the building and made a beeline for McCormick Field. There were already people crowding around the stand where the junior class were trying to get cases of Dr. Pepper and boxes of candy opened to sell”. Read More…

Student Clarise Parker writes the U-High hymn
Entering a contest to adopt a school hymn, Clarise’s entry emerged as the winner after voting by students. It was first sung in 1948 and continues to be sung to this day.
Proudly hail our Alma Mater.
School Hymn
To her e’er be true.
Sing her praise in mighty chorus,
land and glory too.
Cheer the team.
Support its standards.
Back the Pioneers.
Gladly say that you’re from U-High.
Uphold her through the years.